How I Became a Photographer

How I got into photography is a little tricky to answer in short form. From disposable cameras, to cheap digital cameras, I’ve always had a camera in my hand ever since I was little. I never cared how the photos looked as long as they were in focus. I just wanted to document everything. Then in 2013, I decided to get an Instagram. I quickly realized that the quality of photos on Instagram were much higher than those of Facebook. I made a decision that I wanted my photos to look more polished like those of the photographers I was following. I began researching how to edit photos and through which apps.

Eventually, I felt comfortable enough to start posting photos of my own. They were only nature shots and the occasional photo of my dog. During my junior year of high school, I good friend of mine said she like the photos I posted on Instagram and asked if I would take her senior photos. I initially didn’t think I’d ever like photographing people simply because it was so different than photographing nature, however I obliged as a favor to her. At the shoot, I quickly realized how much fun it could be to photograph people. I loved how much creativity and thought went into it. From there things progressed and I continued my education via the internet and YouTube tutorials. My start was a product of the internet, and I’ll always be grateful for the opportunities to educate myself through it.

“If you’re looking for a sign that you should get into photography, this is it.”

Now here I am six years later, and I can’t imagine my life without photography now. I often say that I honestly stumbled into photography because doing this professionally was never a goal of mine until I was already half way there.

If you’re looking for a sign that you should get into photography, this is it. We all have to start somewhere at some time, so why not here and now? Your photography adventure awaits!

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